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Hidden Costs to Consider When Budgeting for End of Tenancy Cleaning

Posted on 24/07/2024

Moving out of a rented property can be both exciting and stressful. While you may have found your dream home to move into, there are several hidden costs that come with the process of vacating your current rental space. One major expense that often gets overlooked is end of tenancy cleaning. This is a vital step in the moving out process and failing to plan for it can lead to unexpected financial burdens. In this article, we will discuss the hidden costs to consider when budgeting for end of tenancy cleaning.

What is End of Tenancy Cleaning?

End of tenancy cleaning refers to the thorough cleaning of a rental property before the tenants move out. It involves deep cleaning all areas of the property, including bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living room, and any other common areas. This is to ensure that the property is left in a clean and presentable condition for the next tenants.

tenancy cleaning Deep cleaning

The Hidden Costs

Professional Cleaning Services

Many landlords require tenants to hire professional cleaning services for end of tenancy cleaning. This is because they want the property to be cleaned to high standards and may even require proof of cleaning before returning the security deposit. Hiring a professional cleaning service can cost anywhere between $200 to $600 depending on the size and condition of the property.

Cleaning Supplies

Even if you choose to clean the property yourself, you will still need to purchase cleaning supplies. These can include all-purpose cleaners, bathroom cleaners, window cleaners, mops, sponges, and more. The cost of these supplies can add up quickly, especially if you are not familiar with which products work best for different areas of the property.

Repair Costs

During end of tenancy cleaning, you may discover damages or wear and tear that need to be fixed before handing over the keys. Whether it's a broken window or a stain on the carpet, these repairs can cost a significant amount of money. It is important to thoroughly inspect the property before starting the cleaning process to avoid any last-minute surprises.

Lost Time and Wages

End of tenancy cleaning requires a substantial amount of time and effort. This means taking time off work or hiring help to complete the task. This can result in lost wages or additional expenses for hiring cleaners, which can take a toll on your budget.

The Pros and Cons


- A clean and well-maintained property can increase your chances of getting your security deposit back.
- Hiring professional cleaning services can save you time and effort.
- Deep cleaning ensures that the property is ready for the next tenants.


- End of tenancy cleaning can be an unexpected expense for many tenants.
- The cost of hiring professional cleaning services may not fit within everyone's budget.
- Repair costs can add to the overall cost of end of tenancy cleaning.

Tips for Budgeting for End of Tenancy Cleaning

1. Start planning early: Don't wait until the last minute to start thinking about end of tenancy cleaning. Plan ahead and set aside some money every month towards this expense.

2. Get quotes from multiple cleaning companies: Don't settle for the first cleaning company you come across. Shop around and get quotes from different companies to find one that fits your budget.

3. Talk to your landlord: If you are unsure about what is expected in terms of end of tenancy cleaning, speak to your landlord beforehand. This will give you a better understanding of what needs to be done and avoid any misunderstandings later on.

4. Consider DIY options: If you have experience with deep cleaning and have the necessary supplies, consider doing the cleaning yourself. This can save you money, but make sure you have enough time and resources to do a thorough job.

tenancy cleaning Deep cleaning


- End of tenancy cleaning is an essential part of moving out, and it comes with its own set of hidden costs.
- Professional cleaning services, repair costs, and lost wages are some of the expenses to consider when budgeting for end of tenancy cleaning.
- Plan ahead, get quotes from multiple companies, and consider DIY options to keep the costs within your budget.


End of tenancy cleaning may seem like an added expense when already dealing with the costs of moving. However, it is a necessary step that can save you from losing your security deposit or facing additional charges from your landlord. By planning ahead and considering all the hidden costs involved in end of tenancy cleaning, you can ensure that you have enough budget to complete this task effectively.
Michael Sheehan
Michael Sheehan

Leveraging his expertise as a seasoned cleaning manager, Michael has aided thousands of customers in attaining the spotless property they yearned for. Through his articles, he emphasizes the significance of sustainable cleaning methods and the necessity of using environmentally-friendly detergents.